Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Chairman and Sub committees for 2010 to 2011

Objectives and Calender

Objectives :

- To maintain good quality fellowship by knowing one another better through program, testimony, sharing and meal.

- To improve member fundamental in Rotary knowledge, organizing skill and public relation skill.

- To instill a clear vision and mission in each member and their calling.

- To encourage member to share with friend the programs of Rotary by inviting them to outing, projects and club fellowship.


July Goal setting - understanding club vision and mission.
August Encourage to invite friend for fellowship and Rotary project and outing.
(membership month)

September Encourage to invite friend for club meeting - vocational talk and fellowship'

October Encourage to list potential friend to become member

November Induction of new member.

December Encourage new member to participate in project and fellowship.

January Encourage member to comment and suggest in fire site meeting. And comment on

February Encourage member to go oversea to visit other clubs

Membership development :

6 news member a year.